Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Don't Diet, don't ever diet again!!!

Welcome to Fray Bots Life Lab!

A place where questions are encouraged and answers are questioned!


Our bodies are starving for the building blocks of 
good health...

For the record my little frazzled Fray Bots, they ain't much of that in food that comes in boxes, cans and fast food wrappers!  In the search for ease and connivance we have thrown aside the most amazing gift that the creator gave to us.  What is that gift?  


And I'm not talking about living off two carrot sticks and apple and a lettuce leaf.
I'm talking about taking fresh fruits and veggies, that are filled with healing vitamins, minerals and nutrients, and turning them into the most amazing food!  
Our bodies are amazing!  When we fuel them well, they can transform and heal. They can then carry us in ways were could never dream, when we were running on bad, unnatural fuel. 

Much Love From 'Bama!

Thori Inspired!
Head of the Mad Science Department and Leading Research Nerd
Fray Bots Life Lab

Links to Information that will change your life - If you let it!!

Welcome to Fry Bots Life Lab!

Information will change your life if you will let it!

What a world we live in today!  We have so much knowledge at our finger tips.  Most of us carry in our pocket or pocketbooks a "magic portal" that can turn our questions into answers and our ignorance in to knowledge.  

Sadly, most of us live on sound bites & snippets of "expert" advice.  The "latest trend" or "newest product" to make our lives better.  We depend on the ways and systems that are in place to care for us as a society, rather than searching out what is best for us as an individual.  We accept what we are told is "normal" or "average" and sit on our sofas and watch the "exceptions" to these rules live the lives we only dream about living.  

Many will live and die this way.  
Imagine for a moment if we were to wake up.  I mean really WAKE UP and realize that we have in us, the same STUFF THEY DO!!!
So what, if you didn't have a perfect start in life!  So what, if you parents or teacher or preachers did not believe in you!  So what, If you are to fat, to skinny, to weak, to sick, to uneducated, not smart enough, don't know how, don't have money for college???

SO WHAT???  
No one is born an EXPERT!  Experts are not born they are made!  

The real question is this - 
Which one of those excuses, pardon me, reasons, 
When you figure that our you will dive head first into your own LIFE LAB!

If Health, Food & Fitness is the mountain you must climb to get your Life back here's where I started that journey.    

Its time to go to the collage of the Internet, YouTube University & get your documentary Doctorate Degree!  Despite what the "EXPERTS" and the "Media" say there is more than one way of doing things.  You have to find the one that is right for you.  Whats the worst thing that can happen?  You end up a little smarter for your effort?? Not really a down side, right??

I will keep updating this, so check back often!!

Best Wishes, Many Blessings And much love from 'Bama!

Thori Inspired   
Head of the Mad Science Department & Chief Laundry Stain Remover
Fray Bots Life Lab

Movies to see:

Fat sick & Nearly Dead

King Corn

The chemicals in your food

Forks over Knives

The Science & Politics of Cancer

Raw Food Documentry

Documentry GMO

Articles to read:

Why rancid healthy oils are more dangerous than bad oils

Lemon for health & fighting cancer

Healthy Salt Intake is Important - Refined Table is the Bad Guy

Are you Magnesium Deficient?   Most are...

Great Blogs:
Wellness Mama - great health information
Resources page

YouTube Channels to watch

Reach4Raw - Cookie Taylor's journey of weight loss and fitness in preparation to hike to Everest Base Camp!  I Sweet, kind, genuine and very inspiring lady!!  She also has a great FaceBook group!  


Fully Raw Kristina - Great inspiration and the recipes are amazing and totally RAW!

Tanny Raw - great inspiration and recipes for the raw food life

The tv commercial that slayed the fast food queen

Welcome to Fray Bots Life Lab!

A place where inspiration may come wrapped up in some pretty strange packages!! 

How the TV commercial slayed the Fast Food Queen..

Careful what you watch, It might change your life!

You do know that an avalanche would not be possible, were it not for one snow flake piling on top on another...  on top of another.. and so on.

Much Love From 'Bama,

Thori Inspired!
Head of the Mad Science Department and  Dog Food Purchasing Specialist
Fray Bots Life Lab

Oh Crap! I'm on a journey...

Welcome to Fray Bots Life Lab!

Have you ever heard someone say that they are on a JOURNEY??

 OH! and they did not mean a weekend trip.  They meant a life JOURNEY??  How does this happen? Is it something you apply for?   Is there a application?  How does one go from the HUM DRUM of every day life to a LIFE'S JOURNEY???

They one day I realised...


In truth we are all on a journey!

Changing the way you see yourself, changes the way you see life and that, my dear Fray Bots, changes everything!

Much Love From 'Bama!!

Thori Inspired!
Head of the Mad Science Department and dish washing engineer
Fray Bots Life Lab

My first Fray Bot video

Welcome To Fray Bots Life Lab!

A place where frustration can become inspiration 
laughter and tears may happen all at the same time! 

Whats a Fray Bot and how did it get its own Life Lab??

First there was a Fray Bot.

Then there was a Video.
It was my first one. So cut a girl a little slack...

Everything starts somewhere!  And this is the beginning of...
well... I done really know, just yet..

Much Love from 'Bama!

Thori Inspired!
Head of the Mad Science Department and  toilet clog expert
Fray Bots Life Lab

Monday, October 20, 2014

The beginning of Fray Bots Life Lab

Welcome to 
Fray Bots Life Lab!

Sometimes a little frustration turns into Inspiration!

That's what happens when you are feeling a little frayed and 
working to figure things out in this Lab of Life!

 ...at least that is how Fray Bot was born!

You've had one of those days, Right?
Nothing goes as it should.
Wits end, end of rope, last frayed nerve but if you take the time to lay down and cry,
well...  It will just mean more work for you later?

So, frayed but unfazed you muster your best smile and keep on keeping on.

Yep! we've ll been there at one time or another.

So needing to vent, but tired of talking,
I thought of what any reasonable woman might do in this stressful place in life.
Not being a very reasonable woman, instead,  I found the scissors, markers, an old t-shirt, some funky trim.  I hit the sewing machine & let my inner twelve year old out to play!

A half hour later I felt much better.  This, my silly attempt to capture how I felt at the moment.  A way to relieve the pressure and retrieve my smile.  There she sat in front of me. Frooffie hair, painted on smile, feet pointed in the wrong direction.  She was clutching a tattered heart, still open and waiting to be filled.  Her pants were missing - well... don't we all feel like were running embarrassingly bare butt'ed though the world, sometimes?     
 ( Maybe that is just me, who knows??)


I flipped my new fuzzy friend over and wrote on her back, these words -

Don't let feeling frayed stop you from being Amazing!

Sometimes we just have to encourage ourselves, you know.
Mostly, I laughed, which was exactly what I needed, at the time!

Soon it was back to the robotic task of the day.  I sat her up were I could see her.  I wanted to remind myself to keep smiling on the outside till I felt it on the inside.  Silly much??  probably, but it worked!

We may not always have the right tools. We may not have a perfect plan or way.  We may have to play it by ear and improvises most everything.  Some days are a mystery that only the Almighty's grace guides us through, but we get through!

It can be chaotic, frazzled, frayed, robotic, monotonous, with out evident logic.

You feel like a like a Fray Bot but you keep plugging away till you see it through.  I would love to say it is because of some great vision of the bigger picture.  That would sound so smart but would, at least in my case, be less than true.  I think for me I just don't have good sense enough to know when to quit.  

I've always loved the tale of the fool who did not know it could not be done, so she did it! 

Use what you have, work it out in the Life Lab!

Its amazing what you can do! 

Much love from 'Bama!

Thori Inspired
Head of the Mad Science Department and owner of a purple refrigerator
Fray Bots Life Lab